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Rincian Simplisia Areceae Semen Biji Pinang Nama Daerah :Sumatra: pineng, pineung, pinang, batang mayang, batang bangkah, batang pinang, pining, boni. Jawa: jambe, penang, wohan. Kalimantan: gahat, gehat, kahat, taan, pinang. Nusatenggara: buah jambe, bua, winu, pua, wenji, keu, ua, ehu, glok, wua, tilade. Pemerian :Bau lemah; rasa kelat dan agak pahit. Pemeriksaan Makroskopik :Biji keras, utuh atau berupa irisan. Biji utuh berbentuk kerucut pendek dengan ujung membulat, jarang berbentuk hampir setengah bulatan, bagian pangkal agak datar dengan suatu lekukan dangkal, panjang 15 mm sampai 30 mm, kemerahan, agak berlekuk-lekuk menyerupai jala dengan warna yang lebih muda; pada pangkal biji sering terdapat bagian-bagian dari kulit buah, warna putih. Pada bidang irisan biji tampak perisperm berwarna coklat tua dengan lipatan-lipatan tidak beraturan menembus endosperm yang berwarna agak keputih-putihan. Pemeriksaan Mikroskopik :Pada penampang melintang biji tampak selapis sel perikarp atau kulit biji, berpigmen. Endokarp terdiri dari beberapa lais sel, berdinding tebal, tampak seperti sel batu bila terpotong paradermal. Mesokarp terdiri dari jaringan parenkim berdinding tipis dan serabut dengan lumen lebar mesokarp. Endosperm terdiri dari sel-sel berdinding tebal, mempunyai saluran noktah dan berisi butir-butir aleuron. Serbuk: berwarna coklat. Fragmen pengenal adalah endosperm dengan saluran noktah; mesokarp; endosperm dengan saluran noktah; mesokarp; endosperm tanpa saluran noktah; fragmen perikarp dengan pigmen; serabut yang terdapat pada mesokarp dengan butir-butir silica; fragmen perikarp terpotong melintang dan longitudinal berpigmen; fragmen bagian dalam perikarp terpotong paradermal, tampak endokarp dan mesokarp. Cara Identifikasi :- Pada 2 mg serbuk biji tambahkan 5 tetes asam sulfat P; terjadi warna coklat merah.
- Pada 2 mg serbuk biji tambahkan 5 tetes asam sulfat 10 N; terjadi warnacoklat muda.
- Pada 2 mg serbuk biji tambahkan 5 tetes larutan natrium hidroksida P 5% b/v dalam etanol P; terjadi warna coklat muda.
- Pada 2 mg serbuk biji tambahkan 5 tetes ammonia (25%) P; terjadi warna merah jingga.
- Pada 2 mg serbuk biji tambahkan 5 tetes larutan besi (III) klorida P 5% b/v; terjadi warna kuning kehijauan.
Uji Kemurnian :Kadar abu. Tidak lebih dari 2%. Kadar abu yang tidak larut dalam asam. Tidak lebih dari 1%. Kadar sari yang larut dalam air. Tidak kurang dari 30%. Kadar sari yang larut dalam etanol. Tidak kurang dari 40%. Bahan organic asing. Tidak lebih dari 2%. Kegunaan :Memperkecil pupil mata, obat cacing (antelmintik). Kandungan Senyawa :Arekolin, arekaidin, guvasin, guvakolin, isoguvasin, gula, resin. Referensi :Materia Medika Indonesia V, hal 55-58, thn 1989, Depkes RI visit to link download
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BlackHawk 25 3 1 BlackHawk 25.3.1 BlackHawk is a web program taking into account Chromium which underpins tabbed perusing, expansions and engineer devices, among others. It can be consistently made sense of by clients who are now acquainted with Google Chrome. Navigate the Internet with confidence, bookmark your favorite websites and easily manage your add-ons with this simple web browserThe application permits you to show the present page in an Internet Explorer-based tab and to view page positions. These choices are accessible through two symbols indicated close to the hunt bar. In the event that you log in with your Gmail account, all your Chrome settings are consequently foreign into BlackHawk. Lamentably, BlackHawk does not accompany any expansions of its own but rather just backings those intended for Google Chrome. We have tried out its route speed however we havent recognized any distinction, contrasted with Google Chrome. Moreover, we have experienced some slip notices when attempting to introduce a few augmentations in the web program. BlackHawk runs on a moderate measure of CPU and framework memory, so it doesnt stand separated from Chrome or Firefox starting here of perspective. It has a decent reaction time and incorporates a brief help document for unpracticed clients. In spite of the fact that BlackHawk cant be contrasted with other solid hopefuls in web perusing, the apparatus merits contemplating in case youre searching for an option choice. BlackHawk was looked into by Elena Opris, keep going redesigned on May 6th, 2015 Runs on: Windows Vista/ Vista 64 bit/ 7/ 7 64 bit/ 8 visit to link download
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Download Opera Mini 6 5 Handler UI202 Fix Jar Zip ![Opmin65 Handler UIScreenshot 1]( ![Opmin65 Handler UIScreenshot 2]( It is updated Opera Mini 6.5 Handler FIX 1 Whats New in Opera Mini 6.5 J2ME? Changelog: - Added Data Usage view.
- Added star bookmark in URL (Touchscreen devices only).
- Added protocol setting in advanced options.
- Improved handling of Saved Pages when upgrading client.
- Fixed various stability and performance issues.
Minor Fix Update: Fixed Full-Screen Edit Field (Handler Menu). Download Jar: Download Zip: visit to link download
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Cara Buat Akses Tor Browser Lebih Cepat![](
Terkait artikel sebelumnya Cara Buka Situs Website Yang Diblokir Nawala (It Works!) kali ini penulis akan share tips tentang gimana cara membuat akses Tor Browser supaya lebih cepat. Selengkapnya silahkan simak artikel berikut ini. SEKILAS TENTANG TOR BROWSERTor Browser adalah bagian dari Tor Project. Sesuai informasi di website nya bisa diketahui aplikasi ini digunakan oleh aktivis, media, penegak hukum bahkan institusi militer terutama untuk melindungi anonymity di internet. Secara singkat prinsip kerjanya akses internet kita akan di relay dan distribusikan melalui banyak komputer yang terhubung di Tor Network.
Jadi jangan heran kalau kecepatan aksesnya menjadi sedikit lembat. Dan inilah kenapa situs website yang diblokir tuh bisa dengan mudah dibuka.
GIMANA CARA BUAT AKSES TOR BROWSER LEBIH CEPATSaat kita menginstall Tor Browser secara default akan terinstall juga dua add-ons berikut: HTTPS-Everywhere untuk mengarahkan kita agar mengakses versi SSL suatu website. Dan NoScript untuk mematikan feature javascript. Kedua add-ons ini tujuannya baik untuk proteksi user. Tapi akibatnya akses website (yang sudah lambat) akan jadi lebih lambat lagi karena harus membuka versi SSL. Dan akan banyak juga website tidak bisa dibuka karena javascript-nya sudah dimatikan. Supaya akses bisa sedikit lebih cepat dan kita bisa buka website dengan javascript. Biasanya setelah aplikasi Tor terinstall penulis akan matikan dua feature add-ons diatas. Berikut caranya: - Click pada menu Tor Browser. Lalu pilih Add-Ons
- Akan tampil layar Add-Ons. Selanjutnya kita click tombol Disable add-ons HTTPS-Everywhere dan NoScript
- Terakhir kita restart Tor Browser.
PENUTUPPenulis tidak rekomendasikan pembaca untuk menggunakan Tor Browser mengakses situs website yang membutuhkan input data pribadi, email dan password (seperti facebook, twitter, dsb). Apalagi untuk website yang mengharuskan kita melakukan input data credit card (contoh untuk belanja online). Karena kita tidak tahu pasti siapa pemilik komputer-komputer relay di Tor Network. Bisa saja dan tidak menutup kemungkinan data akan disadap oleh pemilik komputer relay. Untuk informasi berikut artikel terkait concern security Tor: Has Tor been bugged by the NSA Namun kita juga tidak perlu terlalu khawatir. Selama kita tidak melakukan input data-data pribadi, email, password atau credit card saat menggunakan Tor maka menurut penulis akan aman-aman saja. Referensi: - Wikipedia: Tor (anonymity network) - JhK7visit to link download
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Lieutenant McAllister is ordered to transport several ammunition wagons to another fort through Apache... Lieutenant McAllister is ordered to transport several ammunition wagons to another fort through Apache territory with only a small troop of rookie soldiers to guard them. Along for the ride is ex-scout Jess Remsberg who is trying to track down Ellen Grange, who, having recently been freed from Apache captivity, has mysteriously run off again to rejoin them. Remsberg frees Ellen again and leaves her with the embattled soldiers as he rides off to the fort, not only for help, but to find the man who killed and scalped his Indian wife.
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Product Description Kids love using Pixie at school! Pixie Home Edition gives you the favorite tools from the Pixie used in schools at a lower cost. Pixie is exciting creativity software with an array of paint and easy-to-use image editing tools. Kids can tell stories, create original artwork, and manipulate photos. Create original art using the paint brush, crayon, marker, shapes, and fill tools. Edit images by applying a variety of graphic effects and edges to photos. Tell stories using pictures from the sticker library. Record your voice narrating a story, practicing vocabulary, or recalling a family vacation. Export pictures to email to friends, print booklets and greeting cards, show off your pictures in a slide show, create a movie or podcast, or share your pictures in an online image gallery. Pixie Home Edition can edit and share files with Pixie at school. So kids can start a project at school, bring it home to finish it, and then take it back to school to share. Pixie is an iParenting Best Product, a District Administration Readers Choice, a Childrens Technology Review Editors Choice, and has a Seal of Approval from the National Parenting Center.
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Wedding Album Maker Gold – Video Editor Download
Wedding Album Maker Gold is very good tool to create DVD of wedding snaps. Create amazing slideshows of photos and include music on that. Wedding is among the most unique days of your reality and to guarantee you bear in mind it. Wedding Album Maker Gold prepares you to order all your photographs into a fantastic slideshow. You can make DVD and VCD slideshows from your wedding photographs, include music and copy them straight to a DVD or CD disc. Your family and companions can then play your wedding slideshow discs on their TV with a DVD player, or on their machine. You can download movie maker for personalized wedding discs with your particular blanket even though there�s no evidence what measure paper you will print this -i.e. two CD blankets for every page or one. Likewise, you can browse around 260 move animations to give your presentation an additional touch of class. Provided that you wish, you can likewise include Art-cuts for every photograph slide which is maybe the most standout quality -it makes your slideshow look actually pro. Above all, Wedding Album Maker Gold is extremely simple to utilize with more than enough one step at a time direction. Its proposed for any couple who need to serve-up a day to recollect for both themselves and their visitors. You can also use download Free Video Converter to add music on pictures. - Multiple transitions and Animation effects
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Commando on Mission Hacks and cheatsCommando on Mission![Commando](// One Commando and only one war. Show your commando skills as an elite army captain. You are dropped on the way of base camp of enemies at midnight. First of all you have to reach the base camp of enemies by getting down all the enemies which are attacking on you. Then your main objective is to kill all the enemies of base camp which are positioned at different places of the base camp and heavily equipped. You can view the enemies positions in the radar and then attack on the soldiers to kill them. There is no chance to get back from this war so keep yourself cool and relax to take accurate aim of enemies. At the end you have to reach safely on aircraft carrier. A great test of your intelligence and commando abilities. Features: - Use the scope to take accurate aim - Different guns e.g M4, short gun,pistol and grenade - Radar system to view the positions of soldiers - Unlimited ammo and bullets - Easy to control and addictive game play - 3D real environment with excellent graphics - Amazing music/sounds Download Link : LinkCommando on Mission Hacks and cheats,Download Commando on Mission Apk Download,Hack Commando on Mission game,Cheats Commando on Mission,Commando on Mission unlimted resources,Commando on Mission speed hack,Commando on Mission free gems coins resources,Apk Download Commando on Mission,Commando on Mission mod APK + [OGG] Data,Free gems coins Commando on Mission,Commando on Mission free resources,how to hack Commando on Mission visit to link download
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ads01 atmgroup rhcloud com Removal Help Completely Remove ads01 atmgroup rhcloud comWhat is ? Ads01-atmgroup.rhcloud.comm is an ads-support platform which may bring quite a lot of annoyances once invading into the target system. Once it is in, Ads01-atmgroup.rhcloud.comm will re-configure Internet browser settings by adding some harmful add-ons, plug-ins and extensions. After that, Ads01-atmgroup.rhcloud.comm appears with every new tab automatically when you launch web browsers and loads massive unwanted advertisements on a random webpage that people visit. Similar with other kinds of adware, Ads01-atmgroup.rhcloud.comm may also put some harmful links on the search results so as to help its sponsored websites boot internet traffic. Your optimal browsing experience may be totally dragged down by unstoppable ads created by Ads01-atmgroup.rhcloud.comm and frequently browser redirection. How annoying is? places its corrupt files which can changes DNS setup and weaken browser security replaces start up page, reroutes web search or links to dubious websites may bring storm of unpleasant and yet harmful adverts that pop up on your PC It violates privacy, sniffs your personal information and reveals it to hackers Makes your computer run slower, decreases internet speed and causes frequent plugin crashes can give you viruses by installing harmful applications from Internet without your permissionGuide to Remove EffectivelyMethod one: Automatically Get Rid of with Spyhunter Method two: Manually Remove Completely
Detailed Steps:
Method One: Remove permanently with SpyHunter
Step One: Please click this download icon below to install SpyHunter.
Step Two: Now, I will help you install SpyHunter step by step. After you finish downloading, perform the file and click �Run� icon.
Then accept the license agreement and click on �Next�.
Next, the setup process will perform automatically until it finishes.
Finally, you should start the antivirus and scan your computer completely.
Delete and other PC threats by clicking the Remove Icon. Method two: Manually Remove Completely
Step one: Clear all the harmful cookies added by from your affected browsers. Google Chrome: 1) Click on the �Tools� menu > click the �Clear browsing data� button >select �Delete cookies and other site data� to delete all cookies from the list.
Internet Explorer: 1) Open Internet explorer window?Click the �Tools� button?Point to �safety� ?click �delete browsing history�?Tick the �cookies� box, then click �delete�.
Mozilla Firefox: 1)Click on Tools ? Options?select Privacy?click �Remove individual cookies�. 2) In the Cookies panel, click on �Show Cookies�. 3)To remove all cookies by clicking on the �Remove All Cookies� button.
Step two: Uninstall all dubious programs related to From the Computer. For Windows 7 and Vista 1. Click Start, go to Control Panel.
2. Click Programs to open Programs and Features.
3. Locate and right click any suspicious processes, click Uninstall to remove them.
For Windows XP
1. Click the Start button, select Control Panel, and click on Add or Remove programs.
Step three: show hidden files and folders and delete harmful files of Guide: click the Start button and choose Control Panel, clicking Appearance and Personalization, to find Folder Options then double-click on it. In the pop-up dialog box, click the View tab and uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Recommended).
Delete all the following files: %AllUsersProfile%{random.exe
%AllUsersProfile%Application Data
%AllUsersProfile% andom.exe
%AppData%RoamingMicrosoftWindowsTemplates andom.exe
%Temp% andom.exe
%AllUsersProfile%Application Data andom Step four: open Registry Editor to delete all the registries added by Guide: open Registry Editor by pressing Window+R keys together.(another way is clicking on the Start button and choosing Run option, then typing into Regedit and pressing Enter.)
Delete all the vicious registries as below: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall BrowserSafeguard ShortcutPath �%AppData%[RANDOM CHARACTERS][RANDOM CHARACTERS].exe� -u
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun �.exe�
HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings andom
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersion un andom
HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionInternet Settings �CertificateRevocation� = �0 You should know: Nowadays, spam programs and virus are everywhere on the internet. Removing is the necessary thing to protect your PC from extra malware. Besides, you need one strong antivirus program to protect your PC in the future. You know what? Spyhunter is the one you are looking for. Download and Install Spyhunter to smash right now! You wouldn�t regret your choice! visit to link download
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1 2 4 12 4 MCPatcher HD Fix for Minecraft 1 2 4 Free Download
How to Install MC Patcher HD Fix for Minecraft 1.2.3- Download MCPatcher HD the matched you OS.
- Open MCPatcher that you have downloaded
- Click Patch (You do not need to have a texture pack for this step)
- Open the game
- Click Mods and Textures
- Now Click Mods and Texture Pakcs
- If you didn�t see anything, that means you have to go Minecraft root folder and go to �texturepacks� folder and copy and paste some texture packs in there.
Download MCPatcher HD Fix for Minecraft 1.2.3 visit to link download
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